Foundation Board
Michał Bomastyk
President of the Foundation
Feminist and social activist. A philosopher by education. PhD student at the Institute of Philosophy of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. His research interests focus on feminist theories and the theory of exclusion. Equality educator. He led lectures on discrimination, stereotypes and exclusion as well as human rights. The originator of the European University of Equality project implemented by the Institute for Counteracting Exclusions and the series of lectures Wszechnica Równości, devoted to building an inclusive and open society. Participant of the European seminar Let's talk about (anti) racism in Bucharest. Currently doing postgraduate studies in human resources. It is important for him to educate about creating equality strategies in organizations. Moreover, he coordinates the Counseling Center for Equality of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Toruń Local Group of Amnesty International. He completed postgraduate studies in gender studies and pedagogical preparation.
Privately, a fan of TV series and cats. Phoebe and Joey's caretaker.
E-mail address:
Mobile: +48 737 336 968
Ewa Szymera
Vice-president of the Foundation
In addition to IPW, she co-creates the Różowa Skrzyneczka Foundation, an organization combating menstrual exclusion, where she coordinates projects promoting menstrual health in the media, schools and public institutions. In September 2021, she was a panelist at Przyszłość Campus. During her studies at the University of Vienna, she worked as a project assistant at the Institute for Empirical Social Research. Participant of the Amnesty International project "Your Voice has POWER!" and "Generation Change" by Krytyka Polityczna. A member of the international "female factor" community supporting the development of women in business and NGOs. Associate of The Innovation in Politics Institute, an organization working to strengthen democratic values in the countries of the European Union.
E-mail address:
Foundation Council
Alexander Derra
Philosopher, translator and philologist. Professor at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, head of the Department of Practical Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. Scientifically deals with relations between society, science and technology, and gender stereotypes in science and feminist theories. She researches the mechanisms of the emergence and stabilization of exclusion and strangeness in culture. Involved
in shaping science policy within IDUB and YUFE promoting equality
and diversity. As the Rector's representative in the field of
Equal Treatment she is concerned with developing a culture of respect for equality, diversity and the development of a policy of openness
and integration in all areas of the organization's functioning.
In 2021 she was on the list of "50 bold of 2020"
in a special issue of the "Wysokie Obcasy" magazine for self-reliance
for equality in the academic world. An advocate and enthusiast of minimalism, persistently following the Western idea of ownership.
Aleksandra Korczak
PhD student at the Institute of Polish Literature of the University of Warsaw and a member of the Children's and Youth Literature Research Laboratory, as well as the author of publications on research on literature for recipients in school age. A graduate of postgraduate studies in ethics and philosophy, analyzing cultural texts from
a literary, philosophical and pedagogical perspective.
Teacher of Polish language, philosophy and ethics at CLV Secondary School. The protagonist of the Warsaw Uprising, juror of the Polish Section of IBBY in 2018, tirelessly dealing with the criticism of the applicable school reading canon and the promotion of valuable, worth recommending modern reading for children and adolescents. Author of lesson scenarios cooperating with New Horizons of Film Education
and the Polin Museum. Author and producer of numerous workshops
for young people devoted to the issues of discrimination
and xenophobia.
Anna Magalska
Actress of the Teatr im. Wilam Horzyca in Toruń, born in 63. Director, theater educator, culture animator, volunteer (among others) of the Light Foundation, cooperates with the Academy for Fighting Cancer, initiator and participant of many charity concerts. She studies cultural studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. She also conducted classes in theater workshops at the Nicolaus Copernicus University. She is involved in social activities
in the city and commune.
Adam Kola
Adam Kola was the Vice-Dean from September 2019 to August 2020
for International Cooperation, Organization and Development of the Faculty of Humanities of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
In 2016-2019 he was the Vice-Dean for Organization and Development of the Faculty of Philology, and between 2011 and 2014 he was the Deputy Director of the Institute of Slavic Philology at the same faculty. He is an assistant professor at the Laboratory of Research on Collective Memory in Post-communist Europe - POSTCOMER. In 2016-2019 he was a visiting scholar at the Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge at the University of Chicago. Since 2019, he has been a board member of the International Association of Comparative Literature.
His achievements and skills have been confirmed by various 1st prize awards - including prestigious ones in Polish science,
such as a scholarship for outstanding young scientists
Ministry of Science and Higher Education (2012-2015) and was a finalist of the Polityka scientific awards in the humanities.
Ewa Szymera
Współtworzy Fundację Różowa Skrzyneczka, organizację walczącą z wykluczeniem menstruacyjnym, gdzie koordynuje projekty promujące zdrowie menstruacyjne w mediach, szkołach i placówkach publicznych. We wrześniu 2021 roku była panelistką Campusu Przyszłości. W trakcie studiów na Uniwersytecie Wiedeńskim pracowała jako asystentka projektowa w Instytucie Empirycznych Badań Społecznych. Uczestniczka projektu Amnesty International "Twój Głos ma MOC!" oraz "Generation Change" Krytyki Politycznej. Członkini międzynarodowej społeczności "female factor" wspierającej rozwój kobiet w biznesie i NGOs. Współpracowniczka The Innovation in Politics Institute, organizacji działającej na rzecz wzmacniania wartości demokratycznych w krajach Unii Europejskiej.
Rafał Grabowski
Wykształcony i doświadczony psycholog. Absolwent Uniwersytetu Humanistycznego SWPS. Ukończył zaawansowane szkolenie w zakresie terapii skoncentrowanej na rozwiązania oraz terapii koherencji. Uczestnik wielu projektów aktywizacyjnych zarówno dorosłych, jak i młodzież. Współpracuje z osobami ze zdiagnozowaną niepełnosprawnością psychiczną. Dodatkowo wykładowca w WSB w Toruniu. Współpracuje z kilkoma organizacjami społecznymi, Ośrodkiem Wsparcia Ekonomii Społecznej i Regionalnym Ośrodkiem Polityki Społecznej w Toruniu.